Find out how you can cancel your Funnelforms Pro license quickly and easily.
We are committed to customer satisfaction and with Funnelforms Pro we offer a form solution that produces exceptional lead generation results.
Before you cancel, please consider contacting our Premium Support, maybe we can help you fix your problems or optimize the performance of your forms. We are happy to help you free of charge!
You can cancel your Funnelforms Pro license at any time depending on your payment option (monthly or annually). You can submit your cancellation here:

Your feedback is important to us and we want to keep improving our software. That's why it would help us a lot if you let us know why you want to cancel and what we can do better in the future to win you back as a customer. You can specify the reasons in the cancellation form.
After submitting the cancellation, we will process it within 24 hours and notify you of the status by e-mail. You have successfully canceled your Funnelforms Pro license.