In the question editor, you can choose from many different question types to create the perfect user query.
To create a new question, click in the Funnelforms menu on the menu item “Questions”.
Questions are an element in Funnelforms that is used to build the multi-step form in order to make specific user queries.
You can see all the questions created in a list under the menu item. Each question has a unique ID, a title and a question type. You can also see which WordPress user created the question (author). Furthermore, you can categorize questions. This function is explained here in a separate help article.

You can now create a new question via the plus button at the bottom left of the screen and access then the question editor. Click on one of the question types in the left sidebar to select the question type. The editor will then change in the middle of the screen.

Click on the title of the question to open a sidebar on the right with the following settings.
In this help article, we only list the settings that are available for each question. Depending on the question type, the settings are different or other options are available.
1. Question title
The question title is the actual question you want to ask the user. For example: “What kind of service do you need?”.
2. JavaScript code
You can execute JavaScript within each question. This is mainly intended for measuring and evaluating. For example, a specific event for advertising networks can be triggered in the question.
3. Description
Click on the description of the question to open a sidebar on the right to enter an optional description.
To finish, click on the “Save” button in the top right-hand corner of the page. A message appears: “Saved successfully!”. If errors occur or entries are missing, an error message will appear. Click on the error message to see what exactly is wrong.
You can also create a new question directly by clicking on the “New question” button. The current content is then saved and a new question is created.
After completing this process, you have successfully created a question in Funnelforms.