The “Slider” question is used to ask your users for a value in a predefined range.

This question can be used for calculations. You can perform calculations in Funnelforms and output the result to the user or just use it internally.
The value for the calculation in this question is the position of the slider and the associated value. You can find out exactly how calculations work in the related help articles.
1. Create question
Select the question type “Slider” in the left sidebar by clicking on it. The editor will then change in the middle of the screen.

Click on the title of the question to open a sidebar on the right with the following settings.
a) Question title
The question title is the actual question you want to ask the user. For example: “How much budget have you budgeted?”.
b) JavaScript code
You can execute JavaScript within each question. This is mainly intended for measuring and evaluating. For example, a specific event for advertising networks can be triggered in the question.
c) Description
Click on the description of the question to open a sidebar on the right to enter an optional description.
2. Slider settings
Click on the slider and a sidebar will open on the right with the following settings.

a) Unit
You can specify a unit for the value of the slider (for example: €, $, kg, km, m, m², etc.).
With the “Show unit before number” checkbox below, you can set whether the unit is displayed before or after the number.
b) Minimum value
The minimum value determines the lowest value intended for the value range of the slider.
c) Maximum value
The maximum value determines the highest value intended for the value range of the slider.
d) Step size
The step size defines the possible steps within the slider. In the example screenshot, the step size is set to 1,000. This means that between the minimum value of 1,000 and the maximum value of 15,000, the user can only move the slider in increments of a thousand.
e) Start value
For the start value, you can specify where the slider is located first when the question is called up. This can be used for marketing purposes, for example to give the user a certain framework for a budget question in terms of sales psychology.
f) Separator
In the “Separator” checkbox you can activate that separators (dots and commas) are displayed for numbers.
g) Manual input
f you activate the “Manual input” checkbox, a text field appears below the slider, which allows the user to type in a number. The number must be within the defined value range of the minimum and maximum value.
You can enter a text in the “Label” field below, for example: “Alternatively type:”, to inform the user of the option to make an entry.
h) Select image
You can select a image or icon for each answer option. If you click on the “Select image” button, the WordPress media library opens and you can upload a real image or a .png or .jpg icon.
The image should be square and ideally have a maximum format of 256x256 pixels.
Click on the “Select icon” button to open the Font Awesome icon library. Select an icon there and click on the “Save” button to save the icon.

To finish, click on the “Save” button in the top right-hand corner of the page. A message appears: “Saved successfully!”. If errors occur or entries are missing, an error message will appear. Click on the error message to see what exactly is wrong.
You can also create a new question directly by clicking on the “New question” button. The current content is then saved and a new question is created.
You have now successfully created a “Slider” question in Funnelforms.